Getting Back Into It…
It’s so hard to share words sometimes. I used to write articles (and take photos, etc.) for an entire website about the Yucatan. I wrote and wrote and wrote. Everywhere I went in the Yucatan I took photos and notes, and then I wrote about it. I did that for over ten years. So I know how to write.
But the last two years have been so full of life and paint and change that I stopped writing. And besides, this website is about my art, not my writing.
Still… I’ve been told that people buy your art when they understand and like your vision. That it’s important to explain what your painting means … at least to you. It’s up to your audience and hopefully collectors to decide what your art means to them, I would suppose.
So I’ve moved, I’ve traveled, I’ve retired from being a massage therapist, I’ve started caring for my aging mother and her boyfriend… and the world around me has kept moving too. Sometimes I picture myself as a shiny ball of energy (shoutout to Phish) moving in space with all the other balls moving and bouncing and spinning around me. It’s a beautiful chaos.
I have been painting, but also experimenting and learning new things. That learning part is not always productive or even fun. I love to learn, but I’m not always enamored with my output in the process. Lately not enamored at all, frankly.
But new things are being born. In the meantime, I’m allowing myself to relax after a stressful summer, a crazy election and numerous personal events that my little shiny ball has bounced off of in the recent months. Onward!